The Sand Between Us by author Ronnie Williamson. Book Two cover.

No Enemy Like a Memory

By Ronnie Williamson

Publisher Description

Country music superstar Clayton Meyers returns home to Nashville from his successful national concert tour but is filled with disillusion, helplessness, and a true need for connection. His wife Kate, entrepreneur extraordinaire, hoped for something different upon his return. Kate, pushed to her limits with work, past hurts, and fears of abandonment, is now secretly seeking a divorce—with the caveat that Clayton must feel the pain she has felt before she leaves him for good—which only adds to their relationship’s uncertainty.

A surprise visit from a long-lost friend offered what looked like a chance for the couple to share in a much-needed getaway to an exotic destination. But now it may be compromised by both Clayton and Kate being convinced the other has been unfaithful while they’ve been apart.



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